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About our subscription service

  Never miss your favorite books again.
Become a member of our Secret Society of Comic Connoisseurs and have every issue held for you.   
Membership is FREE.
 Our Part:
  • All the books from your list will be pulled and held each shipment. We guarantee all your regular books will be cover price (please note this excludes variants, limited editions, and other specialty books). If we miss and issue of your regular books and need to special order it, you will never pay more than the cover price.


  • Receive 10% off all supplies


  • 25% off ALL back issues, please dont be a jerk about this.....


  • Receive a special  extra 10 % discount card to celebrate your birthday


  • 10% discount on all of your regular books and comic supplies, this does not apply to trades, toys, apparel, etc.


  • Diamond Comics Catalog for free


 Your Part:
  • Please pick up your books at least once per month. If, for any reason, you will be unable to pick up your books, please inform us of your situation by phone or e-mail.


  • Please keep in mind, it is important for your records that you update any changes to your membership contract information in advance (moving, canceling, changing phone numbers).


  • Comics are ordered 3 months in advance, if you do cancel a title, keep in mind you are responsible for the rest of the books ordered on your behalf


  • If you order from your Diamond Comics Previews catalog please turn it in by the third tuesday of the month for ease of ordering



  • Email us below with the following information


-Subject "new subscription


-Exact book titles you wish to subscribe to


-Which, if any, back issues you will need to catch up (these may be more then cover, BUT if its more cost effective we can try to order back issues as Trade paperbacks


-Name, Phone Number and Email (notate the best way to contact you)


-Anything extra you may want us to order if we stumble across it  (IE new Batman titles or any Sicotte Young Varients)


Your details were sent successfully!

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